A tall princiss with a huge dreams on her way to achieve the world.

Jumaat, 23 Mac 2018

Destiny and Fate

Assalamualaikum and hye guys,

After so very long period of quitting from writing here, finally im back with a new entry and new me. As i've deleted all of my entry before since i think some entry doesnt mean to be shown off. hahaha.. actually i have thinking to post a new entry on my blog since few weeks ago but decided to hold it first because i still have so many things to settle after all have happened. Ok what so merapu clarification hahahaa. By the way, as i updated on my whatsapp's story that i would like to write a blog about my stp's result last time. and actually i have wrote one as titled '2018' but used to delete it sebab bila baca-baca balik macam cliche je cara penulisan lol. so i come back with a new entry titled as 'Destiny and Fate' since today ada kerajinan yg lebih sikit, so why not spend some time to write here?

Em talking bout my result that came out last three weeks, its actually pretty nice with blink blink sparkles and colours, but not truly. hihihihi joke! Its freaking nice with cute pointer as me, hm its been jot 3.50 on my slip and who else just not proud of it?! But ya, if only someone is still here, with me, to celebrate all of this achievement, it might be so fun is it? Abah tinggalkan anak-anak dan isteri dia too early. At 51st year old, he finally back to The One and Only. Siapa je sangka dia pergi secepat tu dlm keadaan sihat walafiat. Tak pernah crossed in my mind pun yg dia akan pergi secepat ni. Two weeks before keluar result stp, on 21st Feb 2018, he left us all in sudden. No words could describe me that time, all are stuck with speechless and blur. To trust the reality is freaking hard and to let go of him so damn tough. Percaya dengan taknak sama banyak. But who is us to fight the destiny that have been arranged by Him?

Anyway my and i still in theraphy, which is we still need some space to set thing into normal like before, even i know thing will never be like before. But ya, we at least should give a try to set thing as normal and to get back our happiness as before. and it might take so long time for us, of course. For today and the day to come, i must stand strong for my mom especially, since i know she not that kuat to face all of this situation. She might pretend to be strong, but i know deep inside she needs someone to warm her heart. Tapi tulah, Allah tak uji kalau Dia tahu hambaNya tak mampu. Just put ur trust on Him and inshaAllah everything will get better even it takes quite while. To get into this really make me more matured to handle things ahead. =)

So ya it's a wrap after sekian lama. just like an essay hahhahahaa. So as we know, we cant change our destiny except by our prayers. So banyak-banyakkan lah berdoa untuk yg terbaik. Oh ya, this time ai tak amalkan dah sesi upacara meletak gambar as last part kihkihkih. Tukar mode lah pulekkkk. SYS!

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